Quiz: Is DBT for you?
Is RO DBT right for you? (google.com) long
Take this simple quiz to find out if DBT could be helpful for you. Go grab a piece of paper! If you feel like a sentence applies to you, mark it as a yes. Add up the number of "yes" answers and view scoring chart at the bottom.
High Emotional Arousal
1. I feel tense, stressed, or on edge even when there is nothing immediately confronting me in the moment.
2. I can't seem to relax as much as I would like to, even when I try.
3. My hands shake or I'm anticipating failure a good deal of the time.
4. I jump when a loud noise comes, even though I later find it wasn't anything dangerous.
5. It takes me a lot longer than other people to relax.
6. I'm always prepared or expecting something bad to happen to me
7. I feel vulnerable, like many things can hurt me, even though no one in particular is trying to hurt me.
8. My emotions always seem to be "on" or prepared to be "on" even though I try to be calm and relaxed.
9. I feel depressed.
10. My feelings are intense, but I just can't get moving.
11. Sometimes I just wish I would die.
High Emotional Sensitivity
1. It doesn't take much to get me going. I react emotionally to even minor events.
2. Many times "emotional" commercials make me cry.
3. I wear my feelings on my sleeve. When I feel something, I typically express it openly.
4. Other people tell me I'm an emotional person.
5. I believe I feel my emotions more intensely than others do.
6. When someone else hurts, I frequently hurt with them.
7. I seem to be keyed in to what others are thinking and feeling.
Slow Reduction in Emotional Tension
1. Once I feel an emotion, it's hard for me to stop feeling it.
2. My strong emotions seem to last forever.
3. I can't stop feeling anxious or depressed without great effort.
Distrust of Emotions
1. My feelings frequently don't tell me how I should best behave or what to do next.
2. I can't trust my gut reactions like others seem to be able to do.
3. I wish I could eliminate my feelings, since they seem to get in my way rather than help me most of the time.
Emotional Escape
1. When I feel tense, I do everything possible in order to get away from those feelings as quickly as possible.
2. When someone hurts me, I immediately leave the room, usually no matter what the consequences or how it will look.
3. When I begin to feel down or depressed, I can't stand it.
4. I can't stand strong emotions, even if they are normal.
Emotional Avoidance
1. I stay away from people who make me uncomfortable, even if they are not mean to me.
2. I avoid situations and people who have hurt me in the past, even when this is difficult to do.
3. I do whatever I can to avoid being hurt, even though I may miss opportunities to get what I want in the future.
4. People who know me well might call me a "fraidy cat" because I won't take chances.
5. I'm afraid of my strong feelings.
Sense of Urgency
1. I can't wait to solve problems, even though I know it took a long time for the problems to develop.
2. I would say I'm impulsive. I do things without a lot of thinking because I want quick results.
3. People tell me I'm impatient because I want what I want now.
4. I'm anxious because I feel that my problems are so bad they need to be changed immediately.
5. I feel dreadful about the future. Something bad is going to happen if I'm not careful.
6. I frequently do things without thinking them through.
7. I feel pressure to make changes to my life.
Fewer than 10
DBT is probably not for you*
DBT has something to offer you, and you would very likely see improvements in your daily life.
DBT definitely has something to offer you.
More than 24
DBT is what you’ve been looking for for a long time. You would definitely benefit from this form of therapy.
*However, if you've had yes answers in multiple categories, DBT may still be an effective and wise treatment option
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