Module Definitions

Mindfulness is balancing emotion mind and wise mind.Distress Tolerance is when you have a problem you cannot solve, but you don't want to make it worse.Emotion Regulation is having less negative emotions and vulnerability, and more positive emotional experiences.Interpersonal Effectiveness is asking for what you want and saying no effectively.

Fight or Flight Types


We feel safe in our ventral vagal state, in which we can co-regulate with another.
The first thing that happens is responding to a novelty cue.

Then if we need to, we flee.

An alternative strategy is called Fawn.

If we can't flee, we will fight.

If we cannot flee or fight, we freeze when overwhelmed.

This can lead to a dorsal vagal collapse or shut down.

Another response is to faint, which is also a dorsal vagal response of ove-rinhibition.

Antidotes to some of these states are:


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